Turkey Day is done, and it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Shopping this year may be a different experience with many seniors starting to shop from home and using marketplaces like Amazon to buy and ship gifts for friends and family. Holiday shopping is becoming a very real concern for many senior individuals that are less mobile than they used to be. Seniors can be slower than many of the people crowding the stores this holiday season.

Shop All Year
Preparation for the holiday season is always recommended. Getting a jump on Christmas shopping starts in January, yes, January. If you have the space to keep gifts in your home, shop small, and throughout the year to make sure you are ready to roll when the busy shopping season starts. When it comes down to crunch time and no one has any good gift ideas, it’s best to start early and get the right gift for everyone on the list.
Pace Yourself
Seniors are often responsible for getting gifts for a wide variety of people. Families have grown to include more than just their children: grandchildren, sons- and daughters-in-law, and other relatives have joined the festivities. A one-stop shopping trip will wear out your loved on and leave them exhausted. If you have your list of people to buy for, be sure to keep your shopping goals to an attainable number.
Bring A Friend
Walking through the mall can be daunting., and shopping alone is never any fun. Instead, encourage your senior loved one to shop with a friend or family member or offer to escort them while they do their shopping. Having a family member on hand will provide them with someone else to carry the bags, a great companion for conversation and fun, and an extra supporting hand if they start to get wobbly on their feet.
Start Early
Seniors typically wake up early, so best to take advantage of the slowest time in the day for many retailers. After work, many stores become overcrowded, especially during the busy holiday season. Instead of being just one more face in the rushed, bustling crowd, encourage your elderly loved one to shop earlier in the day when the stores will be more peaceful.
Shop Online
Online shopping is clearly the best way to get your shopping done without any compromise, but some seniors have no clue where to start. Seniors may need help, so if your parent or grandparent is looking for help making online purchases, offer your assistance. We think nothing of asking Alexa to buy us a 24 pack of Gatorade, and it’s at the front door the next day. This is strait out of the “Twilight Zone” for many seniors, so some hand holding may be required.
Take MedGuard Alert With You!
If you plan on making these trips on your own, bring us with you! You can stay safe all the time when you get a medical alert system with MedGuard Alert. We provide emergency medical alert systems that allow you to connect with medical professionals from anywhere. Call today to learn more about our systems that start at just $1 a day. You may qualify for additional discounts through Medicaid.
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