KanCare is the program through which the State of Kansas administers Medicaid. Launched in January, 2013, KanCare is delivering whole-person, integrated care to more than 415,000 people across the state. Kansas has contracted with three health plans, or managed care organizations (MCOs), to coordinate health care for all people enrolled in Medicaid. 

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) and the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) administer KanCare within the State of Kansas. KDHE maintains financial management and contract oversight of the KanCare program while KDADS administers the Medicaid waiver programs for disability services, mental health and substance abuse, as well as operates the state hospitals and institutions. Each Medicaid consumer is assigned to one of the KanCare health plans. 

Consumers in KanCare receive all the same services provided under the previous Medicaid delivery system, plus additional services. The inclusion of services provided through the Home and Community Based Services waiver for consumers with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD) became part of KanCare in February 2014. In addition to the services that were available to Medicaid consumers prior to 2013, the three health plans offer new services to their members, such as preventative dental care for adults, heart/lung transplants and bariatric surgery.

You can also get a free state of the art emergency medical alert system, with exclusive discounts through MedGuard Alert. If you live in Kansas, and would like to learn more about the benefits and discounts through MedGuard Alert, call today: 1-800-716-1433