Medicaid Approved in Maine: MedGuard Alert

MedGuard Alert is Medicaid Approved in the state of Maine. MaineCare provides health care coverage for Maine’s children and adults who are elderly, disabled, or with low incomes. MaineCare pays for medically necessary services based on a member’s coverage group, which is determined by your income, age, medical needs, as well as providing help with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). MaineCare covers the cost of services such as:

  • Doctor visits
  • Prescription medications
  • Behavioral health services
  • X-rays and labs
  • Emergency and hospital visits

You can also get a free state of the art emergency medical alert system, with exclusive discounts through MedGuard Alert. If you live in Maine, and would like to learn more about the benefits and discounts through MedGuard Alert, call today: 1-800-716-1433