Injuries caused by a slip or fall can be serious. The CDC reports that 25% of seniors age 65 and up are likely to suffer from a slip or fall. These accidents among the elderly account for 2.8 million injuries and a staggering 27,000 deaths.

Injuries sustained by a slip trip or fall are the leading cause of injury and death among the elderly.
A serious fall can traumatize seniors, making them fear to participation in their favorite activities or even get out of bed. Fortunately, there are ways to make a living environment safer and improve a senior’s health so they can avoid a fall.
Exercise, Daily
Muscle weakness can cause seniors to fall because they can’t support their own weight. Doing strength-building exercises like walking, swimming and even dancing can build leg strength while improving coordination and balance. It doesn’t take much, but it does take consistency. Your doctor can put together an exercise plan that fits your lifestyle and physical capacity.
Spills Need Instant Attention
If you see a spill, clean it up immediately. Slipping on a wet surface can cause serious injury. A slip happens more rapidly than losing your footing or tripping, which provides that split second to brace yourself. To avoid slipping, it’s best to address the spill immediately.
Vision and Hearing Checkups
Balance is important and hearing loss can lead to balance issues. This can make a senior more prone to falling. As for your vision, you may trip on something you didn’t see and suffer a fall as a result. Seniors also become more susceptible to conditions such as glaucoma and cataracts. Poor depth perception and blurriness may also play a role. Be sure to schedule regular appointments with your optometrist and otolaryngologist.
Medication Side Effects
Mixing medications can often cause unwanted side effects. Seniors often take multiple medications to manage health conditions and these medications may interact with each other to cause dizziness or drowsiness. Talk to your doctor about your medication side effects and what your options are.
Turn Up The Lights
If you regularly wear glasses, or have a harder time seeing it helps to see what’s in front of you. Adding brighter lighting can show you where potential hazards may be. This includes outdoors as well as in frequently used areas indoors, such as hallways, bathrooms, kitchens and staircases.
Shoes and Footwear
Bare feet or socks can lead to slips and falls, so it’s best to wear shoes as often as possible. Sturdy shoes that have rubber soles and fit properly are best for seniors. Seniors should avoid wearing flip flops, slippers, high heels and backless shoes. Talk to your podiatrist about what shoes are right for you.
Know Your Limits
Trying to do too much can cause you to move too quickly and slip or trip. Instead, enlist the help of friends, family members or even neighbors. Have them help with household chores such as cleaning floors or vacuuming, and especially when doing yard work and snow removal. Know your limits, get some help from family and friends or hire a professional.
The best proactive thing you can do to avoid the serious repercussions from a slip or fall is to call MedGuard Alert.
Following all of these tips and tricks can help, but even the most prepared person can end up taking a fall. The only way you can prepare for any situation by having an emergency medical alert system. With the push of a button, you will be instantly connected to the medical professionals and help is on the way.
Call today to learn more about getting your emergency medical alert system for FREE from MedGuard Alert. If you are currently working with Medicaid, you may qualify for additional discounts on monthly services.
Call Medguard Alert Today! 800-716-1433